Friday, October 22, 2010

How to get a Westfall Chicken if you're Horde

There are three ways:
  1. Go to Westfall and find an Alliance player, then /beg while you /point at a chicken. If they agree, they'll do the quest, then let you loot the egg.
  2. Go to Westfall and park near Farmer Saldean, then switch to an Alliance toon, do the quest until the egg is laid, then switch back to the Horde toon and loot the egg.
This is for the third method, particularly if you're under level 40. A while back, a patch added an NPC to Brill who sells the Special Chicken Feed, which allowed Horde players to get their own chicken more easily. While it's possible to get the Cluck! quest from any chicken in the game (and the quest rewards a Westfall Chicken o.0 ), there are chickens conveniently found near the NPC's who sell the chicken feed -- but if you want to follow tradition, here's how to get your Westfall Chicken in Westfall.

And yes, I cheated a bit by staying in cat form instead of flapping my arms like usual. I also learned that Tauren kitties don't dance =(

(click on the pictures to see a larger version)

Step 1: Go to Brill

If you're a Blood Elf, use the Orb of Translocation in Silvermoon City to go to the Undercity, then head north to Brill. If you're an Orc, troll, or Tauren, go to the zeppelin tower east of the front entrance to Orgrimmar and ride the zeppelin to the Undercity.

When you arrive in Tirisfal Glades, head north to the first building you reach in Brill.

Step 2: Buy the feed

Find William Saldean, who stands in front of the building that contains the forge and anvils. It's next to the stables.

Step 3: Go to Grom'gol Base in Stranglethorn Vale

Return to the zeppelin tower, but take the eastern platform for the Grom'gol zeppelin.

Step 4: Go to Westfall

Here's where it gets more complicated. When you arrive in GG, be sure to grab the flight path from the female Orc just east of the tower before running to the coast to start the swim to Westfall.

You'll have to be careful about where you swim. Head out to sea, but stay well south of the little island you'll see to your right (there are nasty elementals there), and to avoid all the murlocs down below. If you're doing this below level 20, this is one of the many places where you can easily aggro things if you don't keep your distance, even things that are underwater.

If you've never swam in the ocean before, avoid the dark area where there's no visible seabed, or you'll start to suffer from fatigue loss. It works just like your breath bar when you're underwater -- if the bar runs out, you'll drown. You won't need to swim quite that far however, and shouldn't run into any mobs after the murlocs. There's a very slim chance you could see a shark down below, and an even slimmer chance of finding a rare fish, but of all the times I've swum between Westfall and Booty Bay, I've only seen them once each. And if you want to, you can take a little rest on Yojamba Isle, at least until Cataclysm. Might as well drop in and say "hi" to the Zandalar trolls while you can!

Step 5: Go to the Saldean Farm

When you reach the shores of Westfall, get up off the beach as soon as you can because there are more murlocs that can cause problems if you're under level 20. There's a fishing trainer on the dock too, but he's only for Alliance players.

As you make your way through Westfall, you'll need to avoid a lot of mobs, mainly the Defias bandits, vultures, coyotes, and the occasional dust devil (little brown tornado creatures). Also, if you ever want to run through the Deadmines dungeon, the entrance is reached via a building in Moonbrook.

You might also need to avoid Alliance players. Most people will either be indifferent or at least /wave at you, but now and then you'll encounter someone who's downright nasty. If you aren't already on a PvP server, be careful about interacting with them or you might be flagged for PvP, which means you can be attacked -- and if you're still a low level, probably killed too, especially if there's a holiday event going because that means there could be high level toons visiting Sentinel Hill.

Step 6: Get that chicken!

When you reach the Saldean Farm, you'll probably have an easier time if you go around to the back where you can be left undisturbed. Or, if you don't care about being spotted by Alliance players, just hang around by Farmer Saldean. He won't attack you, but you won't be able to interact with him.

Find yourself a chicken, left-click on it, and start using the /chicken emote on it. This goes a LOT faster if you make a macro for it first. Just keep spamming the emote until you see the chicken react.

When the chicken reacts, it'll turn green, and a yellow exclamation mark will appear over its head, indicating it has the Cluck! quest available.

Traditionally, after you accept the quest, you then need to /cheer at the chicken before you interact with it again. However, when I tried it, the emote didn't seem to be necessary; I didn't do /cheer until after I clicked on the chicken again, but the quest completed anyway. The next time you click on the chicken, it'll take your Special Chicken Feed, and in return, lay an egg for you.

Right-click on the egg to open it, then right-click on the egg that appears in your inventory. Congratulations, you've just gotten your very own Westfall Chicken, in Westfall!